Today's blog Nutri-Cosmetics will talk about Cyrasil Vials, a product that purifies the body and helps us to achieve an interior renewal.

These vials are made for liver cleansing and detoxifying through the main routes that our body has... The elimination of waste and toxins.

This product helps to improve the purification capacity of the body, stimulating the proper functioning of the digestive system, kidney, liver and gallbladder, favoring the physiological elimination of toxins that lead to a renewal and regeneration within the body assisting the maintaining a good health.

Among its contents we highlight these three elements:

The Black Radish has choleretic properties (increases the secretion of bile by the liver), it also has colagog effect (favoring the emptying of the gallbladder) and digestive benefits. Also it has antibiotic and mucolytic properties.

The Thistle contains a mixture of compounds called silymarin with the ability to regenerate the liver cells, and it is useful for prevention and treatment of cleansing waste from liver, such as cirrhosis and toxic or viral hepatitis. Also it is good for disorders of the gallbladder and increasing in cholesterol levels.

The artichoke, thanks to the properties of the camarina, is an excellent detoxifying and liver protector. It is used in diseases of the liver, gallbladder and in cases of increased cholesterol.

If you need some kind of advice about this or other products, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to help you.