Well, we are getting close to the end of this diet treatment... We reached the penultimate week and here you have the new menu, we hope you enjoy and remember that you can ask any questions you have!
Mid-day meal
- Grilled vegetables, endives, asparagus, garlic shoots, scallions, artichoke and red pepper.
- Chicken breast grilled with lemon
- Diuretic infusion
- Melon with crab sticks
- Infusion relax
Mid-day meal
- Pumpkin cream before serving a few bits of lean ham
- Tender sautéed with fresh onion and ham.
- Infusion of vanilla and cinnamon
- White asparagus with cheese
- Natural yogurt
- Roibos Infusion
Mid-day meal
- Mixed vegetables salad with pineapple and apple.
- Grilled Salmon with Mushrooms
- Infusion burns fat
- Grapefruit and apple
- Omelette
- Cinnamon and ginger infusion
Mid-day meal
- Tomato and cheese
- Grilled cod garnished with boiled potato
- Infusion of Sage
- Lettuce, chicken breast, apple, raisin and sesame seed and canned artichoke hearts
- Lemon balm and orange Infusion
Mid-day meal
- Exqueisada cod
- Mussels steamed, sprinkled with lemon
- Natural fruit salad
- Chicory salad with half an avocado and cheese
- White hawthorn infusion
Mid-day meal
- Boiled cabbage
- Baked hake and garnish grilled vegetables
- Infusion burns fat
- Pumpkin grilled and baked apple
- Infusion roibos
Mid-day meal
- Natural pears sprinkled with cinnamon
- Paella assorted vegetables fat free
- Infusion burns fat
- Cream calabacino and leeks
- Low calorie tuna on toast
- Infusion relax
Breakfast: a cup of black tea with honey two slices of bread with a few drops of olive oil and two slices of turkey, a grapefruit for dessert.
Morning Snack: a banana and yogurt, a red tea with honey.
Snack: an infusion of chocolate Yogi tea with a whole grain cracker