January is almost certainly, the month of the year where more slimming purposes are formulated. Another question is if these goals are realized. But for sure, if we haven't lost weight before spring, then we will face a summer with a not quite good figure.

However, it is not difficult to retrieve the correc weight we had before Christmas. It's simple, we must first perform a detoxification (cleansing) for 21 days, whith a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruit, wines, tonics and detoxifying teas.

Second, avoid the heavy dinners, alcohol, fried foods, sauces and in general, all foods rich in refined carbohydrates (sweets, bakery products, jams, etc) and saturated fats (meats, butter, etc).

And third, we commit ourselves to perform daily physical activity according to the available time of each person. You can walk, run, go to gym, etc. The main thing is "boogie" and break with the tendency to inactivity. Think there's nothing more fattening than "doing nothing". If you move, if you practice regular physical activity, you can afford to eat without excessive risk.

We are proposing a model of diet that will help you better understand what I am saying and it will be followed by a model diet for the whole week.


Red Tea, green or white, to taste. One or two pieces of toast with reduced-calorie margarine, cottage cheese or slices of cooked turkey. One or two pieces of seasonal fruit.

By midmorning

A natural or flavored yogurt, but low in calories. A piece of fruit and an infusion of red or green tea.

At midday

In a salad at first don't forget the tomatos, carrots, fresh onions, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, endive, apple, cider vinegar and olive oil.

As a second plate you can use oily fish (tuna, mackerel, anchovies, salmon, etc) or if you prefer, pork or chicken prepared on a grill without fat. Use no salt or sauces. Do not take dessert, instead, an infusion of red tea.

By midafternoon

A yogurt or a piece of fruit and a draining infusion (dandelion, horsetail, etc.)

For dinner

Omelette with a piece of cheese. A relaxing infusion.

Tonic soup recipe

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 2 onions
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 2 leeks
  • A sprig of thyme and rosemary, also worth one or two infusion bags
  • A slice of ginger
  • 10 grains of black pepper unmilled
  • Celery
  • One or two heads
  • A quarter of col
  • A head of garlic (only if you like)

To prepare it you should put everything in oil into a pot and boil it for 40 minutes, then it can be consumed as a beverage throughout the day.

Your SPA or beauty saloon also will help you to lose fluids by performing a draining massage. The massages given by professionals are very beneficial to accelerate weight loss.  They improve circulation, facilitating the disposal of toxic waste hindering to promote weight loss and cellulite. The body wraps with green or red clay, are very effective to detoxify and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Something that you must not forget are food supplements. They are designed to help your metabolism work better. Some are for debugging, helping the liver to eliminate toxins and release it after all that work. There are also food supplements specialized in "fat burning", these are highly recommended in the coming weeks. And don't forget the draining supplements and quenchers ones.